10 Tips On How To Support Sustainable Fashion And Thereby Be Environmentally Friendly

In the evening in bed in the duvet, you scroll through Instagram, where a photo of a beautiful model with a t-shirt jumps out at you and you think you have to have it. You order it in the morning with a cup of coffee for ridiculous money from the brigade, and your dream t-shirt will travel half the world with you in a few days, right to your feet. The fact that your fashion piece has traveled more than some people around you is one thing, it’s another if you’ve even thought about what’s behind it…

We will not judge each other. We are women, sometimes for free, sometimes we are ardent shopaholics and we all want to be liked. So it’s clear that we like nice things and like to dress in them… And who doesn’t? Let him throw a sweater at me. Buying cheap fashion clothes is convenient, and sometimes it gives us the true feminine immense joy. And last but not least, it is also a form of therapy for us. BUT…

The other side of the coin is the issue of ecology. Unfortunately, we now know very well that the fashion industry ranks second in the ranking of the most polluting industries. ( The first place was taken by the oil industry.)

For this very reason, it would be good if we were more informed, knew what we have in our wardrobe, what exactly we pay for, what we support, and think more eco-friendly when making future purchases. What is behind one cheap fashion tinsel?

Pollution of air, soil and water, also its extreme consumption. Materials that are difficult to recycle, chemical dyeing, exploitation, child labor, minimal financial remuneration for employees…

Fortunately, even the most popular clothing brands and the most famous fashion designers realized that we only have one environment and came up with conscious and sustainable fashion.

So, what is eco-friendly / sustainable / conscious fashion? And what can you do to support this trend? We bring you 10 tips that will help you with this.

  • The basis of the wardrobe should mainly be timeless pieces that are not only seasonal trends and current hits. Therefore, do not be afraid to invest more in things that you will be able to use for years. Sustainable fashion prefers quality clothing, well-tailored and made of long-lasting materials. New slogan: Quality, not quantity!
  • Visiting thrift stores and shopping for second-hand clothes can be fun (financially beneficial!) hunt for extra pieces that not everyone will have. It doesn’t have to be ugly and throw away clothes anymore. On the contrary, the dresses in them can be beautiful and original. You can also find such a secondhand shop in Bratislava – it’s called NOSENÉ and it offers unique and stylish pieces at a fair price and also helps. He sends 15% of every purchase to support organizations helping abused women. However, you can also find recycled fashion in NOSENÉ. Things that are past their best are breathed new life with stitching under the Renewals By Nosene brand. So, go for it!
  • The choice of materials is important. The next time you buy, read the composition of the fabric. Avoid artificial substances and dyes.
  • Prefer local clothing. For us, this ideally means clothing made within Europe. Finding such pieces is sometimes quite difficult, but it is worth it. You do not support demand from third world countries (China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh,…) and their often inhumane working conditions.
  • Reduce! No, you really don’t need piles of clothes in your closet.
  • Trust me, if you didn’t wear that dress this summer, you certainly won’t take it off next year either. Maybe they would sit down and make your friend happy. How about removing some items from the wardrobe and swapping these pieces with the ladies?
  • What about the clothes you no longer enjoy? (If even your friends are not interested in it?) Surely there is also a collection container for clothes for people in need in your city. Fill it and make others happy. Another option is some chain stores that offer discounts if you bring old clothes that they will recycle and use.
  • Recycle! Another option is to find a use at home. Old T-shirts with prints can be used to make a mosaic blanket or a small pillow cover. If you are not a sewing pro, you can get a ready-made piece, for example, from Bartinki – a slow fashion brand that ethically creates new clothes by recycling old fabrics, clothes, sheets, tablecloths and everything that can be recycled and further used. She is supported by a young Slovak, Martina Mareková Kuipers, who currently lives in the Netherlands.
  • And where to get new fashion inspirations? At this year’s Fashion LIVE! you will find sustainable fashion in the Green Carpet special tour. In addition to the brands NOSENÉ and Bartinki, don’t miss the designer Maja Božovič, who directs her work towards sustainable fashion, while following the idea of ​​”upcycle and recycle”. She looks for inspiration for her models in folk culture, human behavior or likes to respond to current societal problems.
  • The last piece of advice about gold – when you make your next purchase, really think about whether you really need and will use the given thing or is it just a trend that will disappear in two weeks?

Also Read: Fashion Trends 2022: These Three Fashion Styles Are In, And These Are Out

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