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Lose Weight By Eating? Here Are Guilt-Free Foods

Here comes the top ten negative calorie foods, foods that burn more energy than they bring

When we are on a diet it often happens that we want to nibble something between meals: a good habit , which however becomes compromising in terms of line if the choice is oriented towards biscuits, chips and snacks that are not really healthy.

What to eat then to satisfy the appetite without weighing on the line? To suggest it is the nutritionist , who would have identified 10 foods with negative calories, as reported by the Daily Mail in a recent article. “These are foods whose digestion requires a high energy expenditure : the body has to work harder to extract calories from them, and this gives them a high fat-burning power compared to others, whose assimilation is faster and easier” explain the experts.

Below is the top ten drawn up by the nutritionist:

  1. Celery: 16 calories per 100 grams, is made up of 75 percent water and the remaining 25 percent fiber . The high water content means that you burn more calories than it contains by eating it.
  2. Cauliflower: 25 calories per 100 grams , is high in vitamin C. Eating it raw or lightly steamed so it stays crunchy leads to more chewing, giving the body a feeling of fullness.
  3. Strictly green apples: 52 calories per 100 grams, help you feel full for a long time and are rich in fiber which helps keep the glycemic index low .
  4. Papaya: 42 calories per 100 grams, rich in vitamin C, antioxidants that are good for the bones and whose fiber content also helps against constipation .
  5. Cucumber: 16 calories per 100 grams, composed almost entirely of water and a high content of vitamin C, reduces the levels of inflammation in the body and prevents water retention .
  6. Asparagus: 20 grams per 100 calories, has diuretic properties and helps eliminate toxins.
  7. Lean meat: (chicken 172 calories per 100 grams, turkey 144 calories per 100 grams) rich in protein, makes the digestive system work harder .
  8. Tomatoes: 18 calories per 100 grams, bring benefits, especially when cooked, against high cholesterol levels and hypertension .
  9. Chillies: 40 calories per 100 grams, cause the body to burn more calories immediately after eating them.
  10. Coffee: (a cup contains 2 calories, as long as you don’t add sugar or anything else): if it’s too much it can hurt the heart, but in correct doses it stimulates the body to burn fat .

“Focusing only on negative calorie foods when on a diet can be harmful , because it could lead to a lack of fat and protein ,” Connor points out . especially the consumption of fruit and vegetables – it undoubtedly brings health benefits ».

Also Read: Celiac Disease And Gluten-Free Foods

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