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Six Care Mistakes Everyone Makes (How To Avoid Them)

Despite regular skincare, do you have dry skin areas or blemishes here and there? Then typical beauty mistakes can be the reason for it. We’ll tell you the six most common care mistakes and how to avoid them.

One thing is clear: optimal skincare is not that easy. Because theskinAdis a complex organ that is very sensitive to external influences such as UV rays, air pollution or stress.

In addition, there are internal factors, such as diet or hormonal changes, which can quickly unbalance the balance of our skin. In addition, the skin’s needs change depending on age, season and climate – the care routine should also be tailored to this.

So it’s no wonder that care mistakes happen now and then, and thatskinAddoesn’t get what she needs. We have looked at the most common care errors and explained how to avoid them easily.

The care products do not suit your skin type

Does your skin feel well moisturized and supple? Does it tend to be dry, or is it shinier? Before you buy a new care product, you should know what type of skin you have. This is the only way you can give your skin exactly what it needs.

Using the wrong products is one of the most common care mistakes and means that the skin does not look optimal despite care. Flaky spots, blackheads, shine, irritation – these are all possible effects of a care routine that ignores your skin type.

But if you stick to the wrong beauty ritual, you risk a long-term deterioration of your skin and sensitization of your skin to allergies.

The solution: Always choose facial care based on skin type. Anyone who has dry cheeks but an oily T-zone should take care of the different needs of these areas with different products. Attention: An all-purpose cream is not good facial care even for normal skin, as it does not contain any anti-ageing ingredients and does not promote the regeneration of the skin.

You do without sun protection factor

Do you only need sun protection factors in summer? Error! Even in our part of the world, daily UV protection is the most sensible investment in beautiful skin that looks youthful for a long time. Sometimes quickly cycling into town, sometimes sitting on the terrace of the ice cream parlour for an hour.

The skin’s UV account also grows with small units of sunlight, which weakens its immune system. As a result, cell damage (e.g. caused by environmental toxins, stress or the UV light itself) can no longer be repaired as well. The skin ages are faster than it should and, above all: than we would like.

You use an exfoliator on blemished skin

Anyone who suffers from blackheads and pimples would like to ‘rub away’ these nasty skin problems. A peeling seems too seductive. But at best, a peeling removes the top layer of a blackhead. As with the iceberg, however, the real problem is not in the tip but below it. But if it is not solved as a whole, everything will be the same quickly.

It becomes even more critical when there are already pimples. Working on it with a peeling appears to make sense at first glance, but the skin is even more reddened, swollen and sensitive than before after the rub. The procedure can even cause the pimple to become infected and leave scars.

Your products contain too much perfume

To cut a long story short: perfume pleases the nose but stresses the skin. Because fragrances can easily cause irritation, dry spots, or even allergies, this does not only apply to synthetic fragrances, i.e. those from the laboratory. Natural fragrances such as essential oils (e.g. from lavender or eucalyptus) can also irritate the skin.

The solution: When buying skincare products, preference should be given to products that are not perfumed or have a very neutral scent. How do you find them? Check the list of ingredients for appropriate additives (‘perfume’) or notes (‘without fragrances’).

Make-up leftovers overnight

Ok, it was a long day, and the glass of red wine in the evening was well deserved. But unfortunately, that is not a reason for a quick cat wash before going to bed. Proper make-up removal plus cleaning is a must.

Dry, reddened areas, pimples or puffy eyes – all of this can await us in the morning if we are sloppy when cleaning the skin the evening before. If you go to bed with your eyelashes covered, you also run the risk of the fine hairs breaking off overnight.

You apply your cream too late

After washing, the skin feels fresh and clean. You don’t need any cream at first. Some even do without care after cleansing, believing that the skin would be ‘relieved’.

In addition: Doesn’t the skin somehow even forget to take care of its moisture if you always top up with a cream immediately? Unfortunately, it all wrong.

Water alone removes so much fat and moisture from the skin that it is difficult to eradicate the deficit. As found in most cleaning products, if surfactants are added, the skin’s moisture balance is severely in the red.

In addition, the hydrolipid layer that protects the skin is damaged after washing and needs to be ‘repaired’ as quickly as possible. Without external support, this takes a few minutes – and in the meantime, the skin continues to lose moisture.

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