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Lose Weight And Get Back In Shape After The Holidays

No matter how many good intentions are made before the Christmas holidays begin , about not giving in to the temptations of good food, in the end these are all, promptly, forgotten. How not to honor a table set for a dinner with friends and relatives, or how not to taste a slice of fragrant pandoro or any other typical Christmas dessert?

When the holidays are over, however, here comes the feelings of guilt, especially if the scales are not lenient with us. However, the extra pounds taken during the holidays, with a little goodwill and commitment, can be easily disposed of .

How to get back in shape after the Christmas holidays

First of all, we need to return to a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet low in fat and sugar , rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes and that includes regular physical activity.

If you want to quickly return to a dazzling shape, it is advisable to combine these good habits with the intake of purifying and draining supplements that help the body to get rid of harmful substances accumulated over time, thanks to the not at all healthy regime of the holidays. .

The supplements stimulate the organs responsible for the drainage of toxins and metabolic waste not used by our body. These organs, called emunctors, include the liver, lungs, skin, kidneys and intestines , among the most important . Purifying and draining supplements increase their activity, helping them to get rid, in a short time, of the damage caused by overeating.

In addition, these supplements help to lose weight because they rid the body of excess fluids that it has not been able to dispose of.

The use of supplements in recent years has increased exponentially around the world, leading to a consequent increase in the offer of the same on the market. So how can you be sure you are buying the right product?

Yes to natural supplements

First of all, it is better to move towards supplements that are not synthetic, but natural , whose active ingredients are extracted from plants and, furthermore, check that the percentage of these ingredients is significant: the effectiveness of a product that contains 95 will be different. % instead of 5%. Finally, it must be ensured that excipients free from toxicity and contraindications are used .

To be sure of a safe product , buy here : Sorgente Natura , in fact, is an online store that always guarantees natural and organic products .

In nature there are many plants that have purifying and draining properties . Among those most present in the aforementioned supplements is dandelion , commonly known as “dandelion”, which has many beneficial properties, but above all it stimulates the production of bile , increasing the outflow of these from the liver to the intestine, purifying and detoxifying and promoting the biliary elimination of excess cholesterol.

The artichoke , on the other hand, favors the purifying functions and contains among other things the cynarin which stimulates diuresis. Milk thistle also stimulates the body’s purifying functions and helps the regeneration of liver cells .

Again we could mention fennel, pineapple, asparagus and so on. Supplements often contain a mix of these plants or herbs to help add their beneficial effects to help achieve perfect fitness.

Also Read: Effective Home Workout Exercises

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