Explanation Of Some Medical Terms In Diseases Of The Spine

Spondylosis – Spondylosis is a degenerative disease of the spine, in which there is a reconstruction of bone tissue and the formation of bone growths (so-called osteophytes), especially in the lower part of the vertebrae. Eventually, vertebrae (bridging) and intervertebral disc degeneration occur. This disease is especially dangerous because it continues to progress and worsen with age.

Spondylarthrosis – osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints. It is manifested by back pain, especially after exercise, increased tension of the spinal muscles, limited mobility.

Spondylolisthesis – moving the vertebra forward to the next lower one. It occurs most often in the lumbosacral region of the spine. The cause is a disturbed development (ossification) of the vertebral arch, or micro traumatization or a fracture. Rarely is it an injury or inflammation.

Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterev’s disease) – is a type of arthritis (inflammation) that affects the spine. Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis include pain, stiffness from the neck to the lumbar spine. The individual vertebrae can grow or merge, which causes rigidity of the spine.

Spondylolysis – means the cleft of a vertebral arch, mostly congenital. It is caused by a disorder in the ossification or after an injury. There are usually areas of the 4th and 5th vertebrae of the spine.

Secondly, spondylolysis can develop into spondylolisthesis (sliding of the vertebra forward compared to the lower vertebra).

Schmorl’s nodes – during the period of growth when the plates were harder than the bones of the vertebrae, the plates can be “pressed” into the bone of the vertebrae and uneven surfaces of the vertebrae occur. This can lead to further degenerative changes, especially in osteoporosis, and also to changes in cartilage.

Plate chondrosis – change of the soft fibrous parts of the plates to cartilaginous – ie to stiffer tissue or ossification. Such plates are inflexible, they do not adapt well to the movement of the vertebrae and often press on the protruding nerves between the vertebrae from the hips and cause pain and muscle stiffness.

Spinal canal stenosis – is generally defined as a narrowing of the spinal canal and openings for the nerves leaving the spinal cord.

For most of these diagnoses, the rehabilitation and reconditioning exercise SM SYSTEM is very helpful.

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