Beauty Tips In Winter

Although winter is already giving its last blows, these are hard, and the cold, the wind, and the rain do not stop accompanying us. Therefore, primary care for the body, face, and hair cannot be neglected, and for this reason, we want to give you some helpful beauty tips.

The most important thing is to know that the needs are not the same in summer as in winter. Therefore, the beauty products that will be used will have to be adapted to the needs of the season in which we are. In addition, they must have as many natural ingredients as possible since these protect and regenerate natural defenses.

To know the basic requirements that you have to meet to be well cared for and present that healthy appearance that we like so much, you must comply with a series of basic guidelines that we describe below.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is critical for any time of year, especially in winter, when the skin suffers double aggressions, the first ones, climatologically, by external and extreme agents that occur in colder times. Wind and cold are two skin enemies, which cracks and loses hydration if it is not paid attention to.

The second aggression comes from the heaters and systems to create and maintain heat within the enclosures. The radical temperature change and the dryness that is artificially created inside buildings takes its toll on the skin, which dries up, and the dreaded and annoying redness appears. Therefore, it is essential to use products that hydrate the skin, especially the face, hands, lips, and hair, which are the most exposed parts, while helping its protective barrier, but, you also have to follow a plan of deep hydration, which happens by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

Also Read: What Damages The Skin If You Do Not Remove Your Makeup Before Sleeping

Move from hot water

Perhaps this is the most challenging point that can be given. There is nothing that gives more pleasure than, after a long day at work, a warm jet of water, which relaxes and transports you to a much warmer and sunnier place. But this is a mistake that almost all of us make since hot water when we get out of the shower makes us notice the cold environment more, so we must try not to set the thermostat to the maximum.

Another key is not to take more than one shower a day. Although in summer, due to sweat, every time you do an exercise, you only want to get into the shower, this, in winter, in addition to not going through, is not healthy because the skin loses hydration.

Take fresh fruits and vegetables

With the drop in temperatures, heavier food is craving, which helps to warm-up earlier, but this is not the most appropriate since the body needs the same vitamins.


Despite the cold and the little desire that there is to reduce the being healthy need 20 minutes of exercise hours of sun, it is essential to continue with the prescribed sports routines, because the body needs to burn the extra that is given by the change of diet, in addition to reducing the levels of stress.

Sleep at least 8 hours

Sleeping at least 8 hours is a key for sleeping eight hours helps the whole year, so that the mind is rested and the body performs at its best, but above all, when there is less light, and we need an extra supply of energy to get to the end of the day.

Passing the “nuclear target”

Going from brown and tanned skin in the summer months to the more nuclear white in winter is not good. Therefore, it is recommended to look healthier and happier and use specific products that help improve color. In addition, the creams that are used during the colder months must continue to carry sun protection since, to a lesser extent, the UVA rays continue to arrive.

Also Read: How To Avoid Dry Skin In Winter?

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